Survey Template


There are many ways to collect data about the outcomes experienced by users of community services.  There are many question sets or survey instruments that can be used to measure the outcomes listed in the Community Services Outcomes Tree.

We have developed suggested question sets for each outcome and domain. Our aim has been to develop the shortest question set possible to measure outcomes and the contribution of the service to outcomes.

Click here to download question sets.

Identifying, selecting, adapting or developing data collection methods is a resource-intensive activity and many community services do not have the capacity to invest resources in this.

To assist, we also have developed a survey ‘template’ that can be used as a base and into which the selected outcomes questions from the Community Services Outcomes Tree can be inserted.  This survey template is designed to collect data via self-report of consumers of community services. It is intended to be used at the end of, or at a set time after, the delivery of services.

Click here for the SHORT survey template.

Click here for the FULL survey template.